Lucerne is a city with a unique charisma worldwide. Lucerne is the city of luminaires, and this spherical lantern is intended to extend this charisma to the whole world.
Dominik F. Rollé, Rudolf Räber and the metal artist Hubertus Löwenherz live in the near vicinity of Lucerne. Their task is to carry this heritage responsibly.
People behind
Dominik F. Rollé
Form has fascination! Form has formative power! Form has consciousness! As a Feng Shui expert and interior designer, I have been working for 30 years with various with different methods of room harmonisation. Geometry is my experience, geometry is one of the most effective ways to balance and raise the balance and raise the energy in a house. Since 1995 I have been teaching a western form of Feng Shui, in which geometry also plays an important role. I use the experience I have gained as a consultant for new buildings, renovations, furnishings and colour schemes.
Rudolf Räber
In our lives, we need to surround ourselves with the people and things that strengthen us! If not me, who else. According to this motto of life, I started my professional training and this is what I focus on in my work. The study of sinology and longer stays in Taiwan gave me a basis. Building up gave me experience and since then I have dedicated myself to other meaningful projects.
Hubertus Löwenherz
The climate in the construction industry has increased massively in recent years! What's going on in the working world today makes me sick. I started to be artistically active during my apprenticeship as a metalworker and have maintained this balance throughout my life, otherwise I would probably have been under the ground long ago. With GeoLight, I am attracted by the material, the harmonious form and the energy that emanates from it.